
Showing posts from August, 2020

Salter-Harris type IV Fracture

MRI. Ankle. Multiplanar fracture extends through the epiphysis, across the physis and through the metaphysis. 12 years old.  

Greenstick fracture

X-ray. Incomplete fracture of radial shaft.  

Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation Type IV

CT. Complete rupture of A.C and C.C. ligaments. Clavicle displaced dorsal and posterior over acromion.  

Pellegrini-Stieda lesion

X-ray. Ossified post-traumatic lesion at the medial femoral collateral ligament adjacent to medial femoral epicondyle.

Partial Lateral Patellar Facetectomy.

        MRI. AX PD FS.   X-ray.  Patellar Facetectomy.   X-ray.  Normal Patella.   Partial lateral patellar facetectomy for treatment of arthritis due to lateral patellar compression syndrome.

Subchondral insufficiency fracture.

MRI. COR PD FS. Small fracture below the chondral surface on the weight-bearing portion of  femoral condyle with surrounding bone marrow edema.

Medial tibial plateau stress fracture.

  MRI. SAG PD. MRI. SAG PD FS.  Irregular fracture trace with surrounding bone marrow edema.